Visa Interchange on Domestic
Transactions in Australia
The fees listed here are payable by Australian acquiring institutions to Australian issuing institutions in relation to domestic Visa Credit, Visa Debit and Visa Prepaid purchase transactions processed through Visa’s National Net Settlement Service (NNSS).
Domestic Visa Credit Interchange Rates
Effective 1 March 2025, the following interchange rates apply to domestic transactions processed through Visa’s NNSS*:
Charity rate
Strategic B2B
Strategic Merchants - Program rate 1
Super Premium (Visa Rewards) rate
Visa Installment Credential rate
Visa Installment Credential Standard rate
Tokenized Online / Click to Pay Tier 1
Super Premium (Visa Signature) rate
High Net Worth rate
Premium Business rate
Super Premium Business rate
Corporate rate
Purchasing rate
Strategic Merchants - Program rate 2
Strategic Merchants - Program rate 3
Strategic Merchants - Program rate 4
Tokenized Online / Click to Pay Tier 2
Government rate
Education rate
Transit rate
Service Station rate
Supermarket rate
Insurance rate
Recurring Payment rate
Electronic rate
Standard rate
Premium rate
Business rate
In addition to the domestic credit interchange rates listed in the hierarchy above, Visa has introduced Visa Commercial Choice Select which allows Visa-issuing financial institutions, on behalf of their commercial and small business card customers, and Visa-accepting suppliers to establish configurable interchange reimbursement fee agreements, with applicable rates of 0% to 0.80%, in 0.05% increments, exclusive of GST. These configurable interchange rates agreed between issuers and Visa-accepting supplier are only applicable to domestic credit commercial transactions in Australia. Issuers should speak to their Visa representative for more details and consult the appropriate Visa Product Guide for full details.
Rates assessed and processed through Visa's National Net Settlement Service (NNSS) are rates inclusive of GST.
* Domestic transactions not processed through Visa’s NNSS will receive an interchange rate of 0.550%, inclusive of GST
** % = percent of the transaction value
Domestic Visa Debit Interchange Rates for Multi Network Debit Cards
Effective 1 October 2023, the following interchange rates apply to domestic transactions processed through Visa’s NNSS*:
Charity rate
Strategic Merchants - Program rate 1
1.0 cents
1.1 cents
Strategic Merchants - Program rate 2
1.5 cents
1.65 cents
Strategic Merchants - Program rate 3
1.70 cents
1.87 cents
Strategic Merchants - Program rate 4
2.0 cents
2.2 cents
Strategic Merchants - Program rate 5
3.0 cents
3.3 cents
Strategic Merchants - Program rate 6
4.0 cents
4.4 cents
Strategic Merchants - Program rate 7
5.0 cents
5.5 cents
Strategic Merchants - Program rate 8
6.0 cents
6.6 cents
Strategic Merchants - Program rate 9
8.0 cents
8.8 cents
Strategic Merchants – Program rate A
Strategic Merchants – Program rate B
Strategic Merchants – Program rate C
Strategic B2B
6.0 cents
6.6 cents
Tokenized Contactless – Purchase Amount ≤ AUD 15
5.0 cents
5.5 cents
Tokenized Contactless – Purchase Amount > AUD 15 and ≤ AUD 50
9.0 cents
9.9 cents
Tokenized Contactless – Purchase Amount > AUD 50
Strategic Program – Program rate 1
2.0 cents
2.2 cents
Strategic Program – Program rate 2
3.0 cents
3.3 cents
Strategic Program – Program rate 3
6.0 cents
6.6 cents
Card Present – Commercial Products
Card Present – Premium Products
10.0 cents
11.0 cents
Card Present – Standard Debit Products
4.0 cents
4.4 cents
Tokenized Recurring
5.0 cents
5.5 cents
Recurring Payment rate
6.0 cents
6.6 cents
Tokenized Online / Click to Pay
Standard rate
Premium rate
Commercial rate
Rates assessed and processed through Visa’s National Net Settlement Service (NNSS) are rates inclusive of GST.
* Domestic transactions not processed through Visa’s NNSS will receive Electronic and Standard interchange rates of 8.8 cents and 0.22%, respectively, inclusive of GST
** All fees are represented in Australian Dollars; cents = cents per transaction; % = percent of the transaction value
Domestic Visa Debit Interchange Rates for Single Network Debit Cards
Effective 1 March 2025, the following interchange rates apply to domestic transactions processed through Visa’s NNSS*:
Charity rate
Strategic Merchants - Program rate 1
1.0 cents
1.1 cents
Strategic Merchants - Program rate 2
1.5 cents
1.65 cents
Strategic Merchants - Program rate 3
1.70 cents
1.87 cents
Strategic Merchants - Program rate 4
2.0 cents
2.2 cents
Strategic Merchants - Program rate 5
3.0 cents
3.3 cents
Strategic Merchants - Program rate 6
4.0 cents
4.4 cents
Strategic Merchants - Program rate 7
5.0 cents
5.5 cents
Strategic Merchants - Program rate 8
6.0 cents
6.6 cents
Strategic Merchants - Program rate 9
8.0 cents
8.8 cents
Strategic Merchants – Program rate A
Strategic Merchants – Program rate B
Strategic Merchants – Program rate C
Strategic B2B
6.0 cents
6.6 cents
Tokenized Contactless – Purchase Amount ≤ AUD 15
5.0 cents
5.5 cents
Tokenized Contactless – Purchase Amount > AUD 15 and ≤ AUD 50
9.0 cents
9.9 cents
Tokenized Contactless – Purchase Amount > AUD 50
Card Present – Business Rewards Products
8.0 cents
8.8 cents
Card Present – Rewards Products
9.0 cents |
9.9 cents |
Card Present – Gold Products
7.0 cents |
7.7 cents |
Tokenized Recurring
5.0 cents
5.5 cents
Recurring Payment rate
6.0 cents
6.6 cents
Tokenized Online / Click to Pay
Gold rate
Reward rate
Business Rewards rate
Rates assessed and processed through Visa’s National Net Settlement Service (NNSS) are rates inclusive of GST.
* Domestic transactions not processed through Visa’s NNSS will receive Electronic and Standard interchange rates of 8.8 cents and 0.22%, respectively, inclusive of GST
** All fees are represented in Australian Dollars; cents = cents per transaction; % = percent of the transaction value
Domestic Visa Prepaid Interchange Rates
Effective 1 June 2023, the following interchange rates apply to domestic transactions processed through Visa’s NNSS*:
Charity rate
Strategic Merchants - Program rate 1
1.0 cents
1.1 cents
Strategic Merchants - Program rate 2
1.5 cents
1.65 cents
Strategic Merchants - Program rate 3
1.70 cents
1.87 cents
Strategic Merchants - Program rate 4
2.0 cents
2.2 cents
Strategic Merchants - Program rate 5
3.0 cents
3.3 cents
Strategic Merchants - Program rate 6
4.0 cents
4.4 cents
Strategic Merchants - Program rate 7
5.0 cents
5.5 cents
Strategic Merchants - Program rate 8
6.0 cents
6.6 cents
Strategic Merchants - Program rate 9
8.0 cents
8.8 cents
Strategic B2B
6.0 cents
6.6 cents
Strategic Merchants – Program rate A
Strategic Merchants – Program rate B
Strategic Merchants – Program rate C
Tokenized Contactless – Purchase Amount ≤ AUD 15
8.0 cents
8.8 cents
Tokenized Contactless – Purchase Amount > AUD 15 and ≤ AUD 50
9.0 cents
9.9 cents
Tokenized Contactless – Purchase Amount > AUD 50
Card Present – Commercial Products
Card Present – Premium Products
10.0 cents
11.0 cents
Card Present – Standard Prepaid Products
8.0 cents
8.8 cents
Tokenized Recurring
5.0 cents
5.5 cents
Recurring Payment rate
6.0 cents
6.6 cents
Tokenized Online / Click to Pay
Standard rate
Premium rate
Commercial rate
Rates assessed and processed through Visa’s National Net Settlement Service (NNSS) are rates inclusive of GST.
*Domestic transactions not processed through Visa’s NNSS will receive Electronic and Standard interchange rates of 8.8 cents and 0.22%, respectively, inclusive of GST
** All fees are represented in Australian Dollars; cents = cents per transaction; % = percent of the transaction value
Visa Debit and Prepaid Purchase with Cashback Rate
Cash Back rate (All Products)
24.0 cents
26.4 cents
Visa Account Funding Transactions Rates
Effective 1 March 2025, the following interchange rates apply to domestic transactions processed through Visa’s NNSS*:
Super Premium (Visa Rewards) rate
Tokenized Online / Click to Pay Tier 1
Super Premium (Visa Signature) rate
High Net Worth rate
Premium Business rate
Super Premium Business rate
Corporate rate
Purchasing rate
Tokenized Online / Click to Pay Tier 2
0.20% |
0.220% |
Premium rate
Business rate
Standard rate
0.20% |
0.220% |
Tokenized Online / Click to Pay
0.10% |
0.11% |
Gold rate
0.12% |
0.132% |
Premium rate
0.20% |
0.22% |
Rewards rate
0.14% |
0.154% |
Business Rewards rate
0.12% |
0.132% |
Commercial rate
0.20% |
0.22% |
Standard rate
0.20% |
0.22% |
Rates assessed and processed through Visa’s National Net Settlement Service (NNSS) are rates inclusive of GST.
*Domestic transactions not processed through Visa’s NNSS will receive the following rates: Credit – 0.55% and Debit – 0.22%, inclusive of GST.
** % = percent of the transaction value
Additional Definitions for Domestic Australia
Different fees apply when a Visa transaction involves either an overseas accountholder or an overseas merchant. Merchants should direct all questions relating to interchange fees to their Acquiring Institution.
There is a precedence in which interchange fee programs and rates are applied. Generally, acceptance based rates (e.g., service station, supermarket, and recurring) take precedence over product-based rates (e.g., Platinum and Business). The following table provides a brief description of Visa’s domestic interchange fee programs in Australia.
Charity rate |
Payable on Visa transactions for merchants who are non-political fundraising organizations (organizations engaged in soliciting charitable donations/contributions) and social service organizations engaged in social welfare services, including advocacy groups, community organizations, and health agencies. The charity must be recognized by the Australian Tax Office as a charitable organization, and must only be used for donations / payments that may be claimed as tax deductions. The Charities Act 2013 (Cth) in Australia details that to be recognized as a charity, an organization must:
Strategic B2B
Payable on Visa transactions for business-to-business (“B2B”) merchants designated by Visa to be strategic in which they meet certain volume and/or growth thresholds and meet agreed innovation or acceptance requirements. |
Strategic Merchants - Program rate 1 |
Payable on Visa transactions for merchants designated by Visa to be strategic in which they meet certain volume and/or growth thresholds and meet agreed innovation or acceptance requirements. |
Strategic Merchants - Program rate 2, 3 and 4
Payable on Visa transactions for merchants designated by Visa to be strategic in which they meet certain volume and/or growth thresholds and meet agreed innovation or acceptance requirements. NOTE: On Domestic Visa Credit transactions: Super Premium (Visa Signature), High Net Worth, Premium Business, Super Premium Business, Corporate, and/or Purchasing do not receive Strategic Merchants rate 2, 3 and 4 as they are assessed at their applicable product-based rates. |
Strategic Merchants - Program rate 5, 6, A , B and C
Payable on Visa transactions for merchants designated by Visa to be strategic in which they meet certain volume and/or growth thresholds and meet agreed innovation or acceptance requirements.
Strategic Program – Program rate 1, 2 and 3
Payable on Visa transactions for Acquirers who have met qualifying criteria as defined by Visa.
Recurring Payment rate |
Payable on Visa transactions initiated at a merchant who has entered into an agreement with their Acquiring Institution to participate in the Recurring Payment Transaction Service, where the accountholder has signed an agreement with the merchant to authorize the merchant to bill their Visa account for recurring payments, the transaction details are sent to the Issuing Institution, the Issuing Institution authorizes the transaction and the merchant sends the transaction to its Acquiring Institution for clearing and settlement with the Issuing Institution within four days. NOTE: On Domestic Visa Credit transactions: Super Premium (Visa Rewards), Super Premium (Visa Signature), High Net Worth, Premium Business, Super Premium Business, Corporate, Purchasing, Government, Education, Service Station, Supermarket, Transit and/or Insurance do not receive Recurring Payment rate as they are assessed at their applicable product or segment-based rates. |
Tokenized Online / Click to Pay Tier 1
Payable on Visa transactions for tokenized online transactions and Click to Pay transactions that are tokenized for Domestic Visa Credit transactions for Super Premium (Visa Signature), High Net Worth, Premium Business, Super Premium Business, Corporate, and/or Purchasing.
Tokenized Online / Click to Pay Tier 2
Payable on Visa transactions for tokenized online transactions and Click to Pay transactions that are tokenized for Domestic Visa Credit transactions for Standard, Premium and/or Business.
Government rate |
Payable on Visa transactions initiated at any merchant defined as a Government entity (meeting Visa’s merchant classification requirements). NOTE: On Domestic Visa Credit transactions: Super Premium (Visa Signature), High Net Worth, Premium Business, Super Premium Business, Corporate, and/or Purchasing do not receive Government rate as they are assessed at their applicable product-based rates. On Domestic Visa Debit or Prepaid transactions: Government rate only applies to card-present transactions (see definitions under Electronic Fee rate) and card-not-present transactions will default to Product rates. |
Education rate |
Payable on Visa transactions for designated schools that accept Visa for payment. Schools include elementary, secondary, universities, correspondence schools, business and secretarial schools and vocational and trade schools. NOTE: On Domestic Visa Credit transactions: Super Premium (Visa Signature), High Net Worth, Premium Business, Super Premium Business, Corporate, and/or Purchasing do not receive Education rate as they are assessed at their applicable product-based rates. On Domestic Visa Debit or Prepaid transactions: Education rate only applies to card-present transactions (see definitions under Electronic Fee rate) and card-not-present transactions will default to Product rates. |
Service Station rate |
Payable on Visa transactions for retail sellers of automotive gasoline and receive payment either at the counter through signing a sales slip or through the use of an Automated Fuel Dispenser (AFD). Automated Fuel Dispensers enable accountholders to purchase fuel by completing the transaction at the pump. NOTE: On Domestic Visa Credit transactions: Super Premium (Visa Signature), High Net Worth, Premium Business, Super Premium Business, Corporate, and/or Purchasing do not receive Service Station rate as they are assessed at their applicable product-based rates. On Domestic Visa Debit or Prepaid transactions: Service Station rate only applies to card-present transactions (see definitions under Electronic Fee rate) and card-not-present transactions will default to Product rates. |
Supermarket rate |
Payable on Visa transactions for merchants that sell a complete, full line of food merchandise for home consumption. Most of the food merchandise is perishable, including self-service groceries, meat, produce and dairy products. In addition, they also sell canned, frozen, prepackaged, dry foods, a limited selection of house wares, cleaning and polishing products, personal hygiene products, cosmetics, greeting cards, books, magazines, household items, and dry goods. These merchants may also operate specialized departments such as an in store deli counter, meat counter, pharmacy, or floral department. NOTE: Merchants typically known as convenience stores that sell a limited selection of products or specialty items are not eligible for this rate. |
Transit rate |
Payable on Visa transactions for merchants that provide local and suburban mass passenger transportation over regular routes and on regular schedules. NOTE: Taxicabs, limousines, and bus lines are not eligible for this rate. |
Insurance rate |
Payable on Visa transactions for merchants providing direct marketing insurance services, insurance sales, underwriting and premiums. NOTE: On Domestic Visa Credit transactions: Super Premium (Visa Signature), High Net Worth, Premium Business, Super Premium Business, Corporate, and/or Purchasing do not receive Insurance rate as they are assessed at their applicable product-based rates. On Domestic Visa Debit or Prepaid transactions: Insurance rate only applies to card-present transactions (see definitions under Electronic Fee rate) and card-not-present transactions will default to Product rates. |
Electronic rate |
Payable on Visa transactions initiated at any merchant where an accountholder presents a Visa standard consumer product (for credit Visa Classic, Visa Gold, for debit/prepaid Visa Classic) that is electronically read at a merchant terminal (a magnetic stripe card, a chip card or a device linked to their Visa account), all data on the Visa standard consumer product is successfully transmitted to the Issuing Institution, the Issuing Institution authorizes the transaction and the merchant sends the transaction to its Acquiring Institution for clearing and settlement with the Issuing Institution within four days. |
Standard rate |
Applicable to all transactions on a Visa standard consumer product that do not qualify for any other rate detailed. Typically these are transactions on Visa Classic and Visa Gold for credit, Visa Classic for debit/prepaid that are used in a non-Face to Face environment (e.g., internet) or a non-electronic transaction (paper based). An electronic transaction that is not settled within 4 days would receive a standard interchange rate. |
Cash Back rate
Applicable for cash back (or cash-out) transactions on all Debit and Prepaid Visa products at the point-of-sale of Australian merchants where service is provided. This rate only applies to cash back (also known as cash-out) component of transaction only.
Other Key Definitions
- Commercial product – a generic name given to the following products: Visa Business, Visa Corporate and Visa Purchasing
- Business product – a commercial product targeted at small businesses
- Premium Business product – a commercial product targeted at high value small businesses, for example Visa Business Platinum
- Super Premium Business product – a commercial product targeted at high net worth small businesses, for example Visa Business Signature
- Corporate product – a commercial product targeted at larger organizations for travel and entertainment and general purchases
- Purchasing product – a commercial product targeted at larger organizations for general purchasing and procurement
- Standard consumer product – a generic name given to the following products for credit: Visa Classic and Visa Gold. For debit/prepaid: only Visa Classic.
- Gold product – a generic name given to Visa Gold single network consumer debit products
- Rewards product – a generic name given to Visa Rewards single network consumer debit products
- Business Rewards product – a generic name given to Visa Business Rewards single network commercial debit products
- Premium consumer product – a generic name given to a Visa premium product such as Visa Platinum
- Super Premium consumer product – a generic name given to the following products: Visa Rewards and Visa Signature
- High Net Worth consumer product – a generic name given to a Visa high net worth product such as Visa Infinite
- Visa Installment Credential product – a generic name given to a Visa consumer payment credential that enables purchases to be paid by the consumer in instalments, as agreed between the issuer and the consumer
- Acquiring Institution – a Financial Institution which has applied and been granted membership to Visa in Australia for the purpose of acquiring payment product transactions in Australia
- Issuing Institution – a Financial Institution which has applied and been granted membership to Visa in Australia for the purpose of issuing payment products in Australia
- Account holder – a person who has a Visa account issued by an Issuing Institution which is a member of Visa in Australia
- Merchant – an entity which has entered into an agreement to accept Visa products for the purchase of goods and services with an Acquiring Institution which is a member of Visa in Australia
- Domestic Visa Credit transaction – a transaction in Australia between an Australian accountholder and an Australian merchant involving the purchase of goods and services using a Visa Credit product
- Domestic Visa Debit transaction – a transaction in Australia between an Australian accountholder and an Australian merchant involving the purchase of goods and services using a Visa Debit product
- Domestic Visa Prepaid transaction – a transaction in Australia between an Australian accountholder and an Australian merchant involving the purchase of goods and services using a Visa Prepaid product
- Cash Back transaction – a cash-out transaction at Point-of-Sale in Australia between an Australian accountholder and an Australian merchant where service is provided.
- Tokenized transaction – the transaction must be from a valid token PAN range in accordance with international payment specifications and can apply to contactless, online or recurring transactions.
- Online transaction – a transaction that does not take place in a face-to-face channel.
- Click to Pay – Visa’s implementation of EMVCo Secure Remote Commerce standards and specifications. It enhances the convenience and security of online transactions. It removes the need for consumers to manually enter their card details at checkout by allowing them to pay by simply entering their e-mail address or phone number at checkout, which in turn readies their card details.
- Contactless transaction – a transaction that uses the contactless interface of a chip card and communicates with an EMV chip-enabled terminal using radio frequency.
- Account Funding transaction – a transaction where funds are pulled from a Visa account and are subsequently used to fund another Visa or non-Visa account.